Friday, October 29

today, they begin with you

i've been reluctantly pulled away from the blogosphere lately by school work. i'm currently in the process of writing a research paper for early renaissance in Italy that is due next week, studying for a french and finance exam next week and working on a project for finance that is also for next week. it seems that next week will be one of the harder weeks that i have and will face this semester. but once i get through it, things will calm down until finals. this semester has been flying by. i felt like i just started and then i began to look at the calendar and realized that i'm half way done. only november, two weeks in december and i'm on holiday.

the passage of time is so strange sometimes. i miss being a kid and seeing time as so substantial. hours felt like days and months felt like eternities. now it feels like a miracle if i can focus on one thing more than an hour. it's quite comical because during the craziness of school, all i want is a break. i want things to pause and relax. but once i do get this peace during holiday breaks, i feel so confused and bored. i make lists for fun things to do, like book lists and crafts that i'm going to do, and many times i just sit around feeling so tired of doing nothing. i don't love that i do this, and i'm certainly not proud when i get back to school and think of all the things that i could have done.

but, there is no time for regrets. literally. if we focus on what we didn't do or what we could have done, we don't see today or tomorrow clearly.

there is this wonderful quote that my friend has hanging in her room: "keep calm and carry on"

i feel that this embodies exactly how i'm feeling at the moment. things get better. there is no need to freak out. there is maybe a need to drink more coffee and loose a bit of sleep. but nothing that i can't handle.

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." - Ella Fitzgerald

this quote combined with one of my favorite songs by Edith Piaf - "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien" which translates to "No, I don't regret anything" makes me remember that i am doing exactly what i want to do. nothing comes easy, but it's worth it. the lyrics are lovely and very inspiring.

i hope you had a nice week, and if not, well the weekend starts today. and today is the beginning of always. au revoir,


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