turns out i did use different images for my paper. i turned it in last friday, and since i chose different images i just wanted to share them. my paper's main argument was that Berthe Morisot pushed the boundaries of female artists by incorporating landscapes into her work. i used the Corot and Monet as comparisons and i wrote about female restrictions in the nineteenth century.

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, The Valley, 1855-1860
Morisot, Hide-and-Seek, 1874

Morisot, Laundresses Hanging Out the Wash, 1875
i've been recently addicted to this indie band au revoir simone, they have a way of capturing an ideal emotion in their music. enjoy
i'm starting my ceramics class next week, i can't wait. until then, i'll be unpacking and getting ready to start summer. be back soon,
loving the song :)