as promised, i did find some time to procrastinate. i'm studying for linguistics and although it can be interesting, it's not the easy elective i was hoping for lol anyway, here are some of the images i'm using for my paper. i couldn't find the other couple on google, so these will have to do...
Berthe Morisot, The Mother and Sister of the Artist (Reading), c.1869-70
Morisot, The Cradle, 1872
Morisot, Butterfly Hunt, 1874

Morisot, Young Woman and Child Sitting in the Grass, 1875
depending on the comments that my prof gives me for the first two pages and outline that i submitted to her will depend my topic mostly and well where ever my references take me. i want to look at why she painted mothers and children, why she had to paint what she painted, how she incorporated landscapes into them. women in 19th century weren't supposed to paint outside or well be outside and get their hair messy. at least not of her social class. i'm just mostly intrigued by the fact that she had a decently successful run as a female artist and how impressionism allowed for female artists. it's neat, but we'll see what happens.
"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."
ok, i think my studies really need me back. be back soon. and don't stop believin',
Morisot is one of my favorite artists, I just love the colors she used in Butterfly Hunt. It makes the painting look almost dream-like.