Tuesday, May 5

yummy, yummy for my tummy

i'm in the process of learning how to cook on my own with the help of my very wonderful mum. i know how to make certain things on my own and i enjoy cooking. the freedom of creating things your own way is exciting to me. but i'm trying to learn how to look at what i have in the fridge and pantry and whip something up. so i'm in charge of the kitchen, cooking and cleaning. all my mum has to do is help me brainstorm what to make, tell me how to cook it and teach me the variations. i'm enjoying it very much. i'm trying to cook as healthy as possible so that the bike ride every day pays off in a few weeks. my energy levels are pretty high with all the time to organize and create. i'm starting my new job this week, although i thought that i wasn't going to start until next week, i'm ready to start. things are organized for the most part, so i'm happy and at peace. and i decided that one day i'm going to learn how to make sushi. i have an obsession with it, i need to be able to make some homemade sushi rolls and sashimi. 
i liked the girl's winter hat in the pic above, she had a cool style and captured my sentiments at times with my fridge. hope your week is going well and that you are eating yummy things too,


Sunday, May 3

and i drink cups of creativitea

i have finally returned to the cyber world. and yes, it does feel great. thanks for asking. i'm sorry for not being present in...i don't even remember how long it's been to be honest. it's been more than hectic for me the last week. i finally finished finals last wednesday, and moved back home on thursday. i'm still in the process of unpacking the large amounts of possessions i was unaware i had made fit into a small dorm. and trying to find somewhere to put them all. my room doesn't seem to have a floor anymore, and at this point i can't remember if i have carpet or tile. ok, maybe that's an exageration. or is it? heh. ok, i'm done i promise.


anyway, moving on to what i've been up to. i started going through my closet to reassess my wardrobe. i want to organize my clothes so that i wear the things that i forget i own. this has given me a surge of creativity in creating some pieces. i love scarves but i need to devise a plan to wear them more often. and i feel like picking up some needles and knitting. i also took some old baggy t-shirts and went a little crazy with scissors. it was lots of fun. now i want to learn how to properly tie-dye the spiral design. so i'm going to go search for some plain v-necks and dyes. i'm excited. the two pics are some i found on flickr and caught my eye. 

this song captures my current mood. Kate Nash has an incredibly adorable style and haircut and of course an awesome voice and lyrics. i'm hooked and i love driving with the windows down, blasting this song and singing at the top of my lungs. it's very invigorating. the feeling of being free is completely bliss. i'm hoping to pay the beach a visit this week. maybe i'll take some pics to share with you of my current state of affairs. i'm really hoping to blog as much as possible, but we'll see how it goes. i hope you are doing well and that you are enjoying your week. be back soon,
